YJCTG114 consist of 20 students,
5 guys, 15 girls

CTG 114 is...
Aileen, Alisa, Alvin, Audrey, Binghan, Cheryl, Dawn, Gisela, Jade, Ken, Lixin, Priyaa, Shirley, Simin, Tammy, Waidek, Weihao, Weiying, Xinying, Zhihui.


YJCTG214 consist of 21 students,
6 guys, 15 girls

CTG 214 is...
Aileen, Alvin, Audrey, Binghan, Cheryl, Dawn, Ginny, Gisela, Huiyu, Jaclyn, Jade, Jeremy, Ken, Nicole, Shalini, Shirley, Waidek, Weihao, Weiying, Xinying, Zhihui.

1) Please sign off with your name.
2) Anything to add on, DIY!
3) Have fun ranting!
4) Don't forget to study!



JAN 09; Aileen
JAN 13; Ginny

MAR 01; Huiyu
MAR 09; Gisela
MAR 13; Shalini
MAR 18; Shirley
MAR 20; Lixin

APR 16; Audrey
APR 21; Weihao
APR 27; Waidek

MAY 06; Dawn
MAY 12; Ken
MAY 13; Jeremy
MAY 21; Alvin

JUN 10; Alisa

JUL 07; Xinying
JUL 26; Zhihui

AUG 01; Jaclyn
AUG 07; Jade
AUG 09; Simin

SEP 03; Tammy
SEP 13; Weiying

OCT 15; Priyaa
OCT 27; Cheryl

NOV 06; Binghan

DEC 05; Nicole


Designer: A-uRevoir
Edit: Adobe Photoshop
Fonts: 1 2
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Host: Blogger Photobucket
Thanks: Blogskins

Friday 29 February 2008
8:22 pm

ok class!! I know that this blog has been left untouched for ages. and many of you might not even be bothered about this blog anymore..

anyway.. please, if you've read this blog please tell every one else to read it!

there's a class outing on the 8th of march, its a saturday.

outing ideas would be:
1) We go to a field near macritchie park to have some outdoor fun and games followed by a "refreshing" fishing experience! -by president's son. (FOC!!)

2)we go to the zoo. (might be costly) - drug addict(jeremy)

3)east coast park for some "FUN" riding and probably some wet games ^^ - the beast(BH)

4)bowling -i think by dawn

alright people thats about it for the outing part..
the BBQ would be held at my place at around 6-7pm.

please pay 10 dollars to me by next wednesday 5th march so that i can go get the food by friday ^^
this event is also organised to celebrate the march babies birthday. dont worry. the excess money shall go into either the gp, bio or chem fund.. ken, if you're reading this.. and it so happens that the excess goes into the bio fund.. then.. i guess thats too bad XP..

erm.. i'm sorry alisa tammy priyaa simin and lixin.. i've tried to push the outing to another date.. but because of time constraints.. i guess its quite impossible.. but don't worry.. there WILL be a future outing =)

if there's any other places you people want to go for the outing please do write in a post or tag here thanks

p.s ken, i was just joking.. don't emo ok ^^

BY Long gege (RAWR)

Tuesday 19 February 2008
9:40 pm

OUR CLASS BOG IS ROTTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!